Tuesday, July 3, 2007

seven random things

OK, I have at least a half-hour to try to do this again. I am having quite some difficulty thinking of 7 things...but I'll give it a shot....

#1: I have really irrational phobias...I mean, REALLY irrational. For example, clowns. Another example...chevron signs. Yeah, those FREAK me out when I'm driving. I don't have any idea where these phobias came from, either. Weird...

***EDIT*** I forgot one...I am terrified of lady bugs! Those little spotted bodies just creep me out! I can't even let one be in the same room as me. This could be due to the invasion of lady bugs and Asian beetles when I lived in Iowa...there were probably MILLIONS of them in my apartment for about a week straight! I vacuumed them all up and they made my vacuum cleaner bag STINK like rotting carcass! NASTY.

#2: I have a very hard time relaxing when the kitchen is unkempt. Sometimes I am just too tired to clean it, but then my whole evening is a little high stress. When I finish doing the dishes, however, I feel like I'm on top of the world!

#3: Sometimes I iron bedsheets. Wait...it gets better. I take them OUT of the linen closet and iron the fold lines out of them. Then they get refolded and put away. I find it helps me feel less stressed to "iron out the wrinkles". I haven't done this all that much since Elijah was born but I still think about it...

#4: When I carry cash in my wallet, it MUST be organized. First by 1's, 5's, etc...then I organize all the 1's alphabetically by the letter in the reserve seal, and finally all the 1's in each letter section are organized by serial number. Thank goodness for Visa Check Cards...

#5: I have this "thing" about brushing my teeth. If my teeth feel even the least bit slimy or gritty, I have to brush them...and I tend to be a little vigorous about it. I usually need a new tooth brush after only 2 months because the bristles start to fall out! When I had my own store, I kept a tooth brush and toothpaste in the office. Now I keep it in my car

#6: I love to compose crazy little songs about whatever. It started with my pets...Sadie first, then Fatboy Slim and then Finnegan. Then when Elijah was born, I started making up songs in hopes they would help to stop him from crying. Crazy thing is some of those songs STILL work for him! (Elijah especially likes "The OKAY" song!)

#7: I sleep with one of Elijah's baby blankets because it smells like him. Adam claims I'm going to need strong sedatives when Elijah leaves home someday! It's been about a month and I look for his blanket when I go to bed at night...*sigh*

WOW...can't believe I finished it finally...

Teagan Riley Clark