Saturday, July 14, 2007

In Pennsylvania!

Well, we pulled off the secret! After a long delay in our flight out of Milwaukee, and then having to wait for my luggage due to "ramp construction" at Baltimore's airport, I arrived at the house of my older sister Linda on Wednesday...pulled up to her house in a Lincoln Town Car and called her house.....

ME : "What are you doing?"

HER: "Eating lunch with the kids; why?"

ME: "You should look out your window..."

HER: "Why? Who's here?" pause...

She sees me and screams!

Excellent! Then, my younger sister Nicole FINALLY arrives (I remember how long it took me to do things when I was pregnant!) She cried...happy, of course.

So yes, we are in Pennsylvania...Elijah and I, that is. He has taken quite some time to adjust...we've had a few temper tantrums and 2 major meltdowns but other than that, he's been a champ. He's enjoying the time with his cousins here...he's taken quite the liking to Calvin. I have some cute video footage but not a whole lot of time to put it on the computer. Computer is upstairs in Nicole's house and that's where Eli and I are bunking together. So when he goes to bed, I want him to stay ASLEEP! But if not sooner, I'll get some up when I get home on Wednesday.

We've basically taken a few days to relax and let Elijah adjust a, Nic and Stu are at their labor and delivery class until 11:30am. After that, we're going to head over to Linda and Brett's house. HOPEFULLY, Elijah will want to take a good nap this afternoon and Nic and I are going out for a little Nic & Sam time...I still don't fit into too many of my clothes (OK, NONE of the prepregnancy stuff fits over the nursing boobs!) so I need to find a shirt to wear to church on Sunday. Then we're going to grill out with the Koller Clan (Linda, Brett, the 5 cousins, Tom the Cat and Jack the Dog!) and Nic and Stu. Should be a good time! Early next week, Nic said she'll keep an eye on the babies during nap time so Linda and I can go out for lunch...I believe the restaurant is called Issac's...all of their sandwiches are named after birds (like The Crazy Crane...but not that one...they don't have a sandwich made with Crane meat!)...good stuff.

So that is my update for now...aside from missing Adam, we're doing all right! I will update you as soon as I have some time! Love to everyone!

Teagan Riley Clark