Yet I will rejoice in the LORD; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. GOD, the Lord, is my strength; he makes my feet like the deer’s; he makes me tread on my high places.
~Habakkuk 3:18-19~
Random pictures and birthday pictures for your viewing pleasure! (I have quite a bit of video footage from his birthday but I don't have the right cable to put it on the computer...I'm going to make cd's of it to send to the PA folk!)
Eli with his cookie goatee:
Excuse the goofy lady...this was at the park one day...
One of Elijah's new favorite things...CHOCOLATE PIE!
Elijah having a pretty bad hair day!
On the night before his birthday, he decided to toss corn meal all over Grandma B's living room...he looks rather pleased with himself!
Adam's follow-up to last year's awesome monkey cake. This is the crazy candy cake...
I think he looks rather pleased with his creation, don't you?
Elijah's new rubber frog boots...his cousin has a pair just like it and Elijah has always loved wearing them! They're still a few sizes too big so he trips in them a lot...probably would help if he would put them on the correct feet!
Elijah doing what he is so good at right now...melting down!
I don't think it'll fit me! I'm sure it'll fit the birthday boy, though!